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Our needs are simple
The impact is life changing!
Your donations help mothers and the planet!
We gratefully accept new and
gently used items.
We take items for ages 0-10 years old.
Our donation process is simple.
No need to schedule a drop off time at our warehouse,
just stop by any time during our Donation Hours.
At this time, we do not have the capacity to pick up donations.
Tuesday - Thursday from 1pm-4:30pm
7359 Cockrill Bend Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37209
If you have any questions about your items, email or give us a call. 615-540-7000
Before coming to our warehouse, please use the link below to create an account.
Below are just a few of the items we accept.
The comprehensive list can be found on the donation form.

New & Used
- Blankets & Bedding
Car Seats (used only if NOT expired or in an accident)
Clothing (ages 0-10)
Cribs (no drop side)
Diaper Cream
Feeding Supplies
High Chairs
Infant Carriers
Infant Bathtubs
School Supplies
Shoes and Socks
Sleep Sacks and Swaddles
Swings and Bouncy Seats
Safety Gates and Baby Proofing Items

New Only
Bottle Nipples
- Breast Pumps
Diapers (including loose)
Hygiene Products
Wipes (unopened packets)

Please consider a cash donation so we can buy these items tax free on your behalf.
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